Site of my future home |
Tuesday May 21, 2013
Today was a very laid back day for us. The plan was to wake up at 4:45 and hike up to Saqsaywamen. But when that alarm went off..... Yeah, we decided that sleep was such a better idea!
We ended up sleeping in until about noon. Haven't done that in quite some time and it was wonderful! After arising from our slumbers, we thought it would be fun to seek out and go to the chocolate museum. Admission was free and boy was it cool in there. They had all kinds of different chocolates and information. It was a fat kids wonderland!
After the
chocolate museum, there was only one thing to do.... MASSAGE!!! That $7, 1 hour
attention is too enticing to resist. This time however, instead of getting the
Incan Massage, we asked for a deep tissue one. So excited! The massage was very
good and we enjoyed them, however, they didn't give us a deep tissue massage.
They gave us the Incan one again.
The plan was to go to the soccer game in the afternoon and then head to Puno tonight. However, when we got to the stadium, they told us that the game was postponed until tomorrow! What?!?! Ba hum bug! But wait, this is OUR vacation. We don't have any restrictions. We make our own decisions. So, we decided to stay another night, watch the game tomorrow, and leave tomorrow night. Sweet! Another night in Cusco!
Today was a very laid back day for us. The plan was to wake up at 4:45 and hike up to Saqsaywamen. But when that alarm went off..... Yeah, we decided that sleep was such a better idea!
We ended up sleeping in until about noon. Haven't done that in quite some time and it was wonderful! After arising from our slumbers, we thought it would be fun to seek out and go to the chocolate museum. Admission was free and boy was it cool in there. They had all kinds of different chocolates and information. It was a fat kids wonderland!
Halt Train! |
The plan was to go to the soccer game in the afternoon and then head to Puno tonight. However, when we got to the stadium, they told us that the game was postponed until tomorrow! What?!?! Ba hum bug! But wait, this is OUR vacation. We don't have any restrictions. We make our own decisions. So, we decided to stay another night, watch the game tomorrow, and leave tomorrow night. Sweet! Another night in Cusco!
Made it! |
This morning we decided that we needed to go to Saqsaywamen. We figured that being here is probably a once in a lifetime chance and we have the rest of our lives to sleep! That left us waking up at 4:45 am to start our completely uphill hike in the freezing cold up a mountain. The reason we are doing it so early is that in order to get into the ruins, we needed to pay $50. But by waking up so early we were able to get there before the ticket people. So, we just walked right on in. Free admission to some pretty cool ruins. But probably the coolest part of the ruins were the rock slides that the Incan's had made. These were fairly long smooth rocks that you just sit down and start flying! A couple little hiccups caused some pain, but it was well worth it!
Buddies! |
We decided that if we were going to go to the game, it would be a good idea for us to go purchase our tickets ahead of time. When we got there, the tickets were about 4x as expensive as what we were told. It was still very cheap, but still, it was a little frustrating. After getting our tickets, we HAD to make sure that we got the full experience of soccer in South America, so we bought jersey's of the home team for fairly cheap.
Meal time! Always the best times of the day! Today we finally got around to eating at El Encuentro which is the best vegetarian restaurant in town. It was super good and I highly suggest it!
After eating, Eric left to run a few errands while I went back to the hotel to Skype a couple people before the game. I started getting a little worried about the weather because it started to rain and I heard thunder. But thank goodness it was short lived.
After about 2.5 hours, Eric showed up and it was time to load up and head to the game. What we forgot, is that there are no assigned seating, just assigned sections. This being the case, we wanted to get there early. But we are in vacation meaning that we are a little slower about getting around. By the time that we got out to rad to the stadium, there wasn't a single taxi that would even consider taking us in the direction of the stadium. They would just laugh and drive away saying that there were way too many people there. The reason for this is that this is apparently one of the biggest soccer games that have ever happened in the history of Cusco! Needless to say, Eric and I were super excited. Eventually, we were able to flag down a taxi with a young, very "interesting" guy. Not sure, but we may have had a little bit of the native coca leaves shortly before he picked us up. But, regardless, he got us there safe and sound and for fairly cheap.
There were tons of people swarming the streets! There were also tons of police, and some with riot shields. We actually felt pretty safe with all the soldiers and police there.
Getting into the stadium, we immediately got excited. The field was beautiful and the stands were filling up with all kinds of crazy fans. The seating situation was a little interesting because its more of a first come, first serve situation. Fortunately we were able to get some pretty good seats.
Beside Eric, there were 3 guys that were all friends. They too were very nice and were talking with Eric a lot. However, these guys started drinking some rather "hard" beverages. At half time, one of the guys who looks like he was an educated man and was wearing a suit coat began to yell at a guy that was about 5 seats on the other side of me (meaning Eric and I are Right in the middle of their argument. After a few words were exchanged, the drunk guy ripped his jacket off real quick and marched up to the other guy (who was younger and stronger than him) and got in his face and was wanting to fight. The other guy just stood up and started yelling for the police that were all over the stadium like several other people around. While all this is happening, the attention of everyone on our side of the stadium was fixed on what was happening. After a couple minutes, the drunk guys friend joined him and got in the well controlled fan.
Things are obviously getting very exciting. Keep in mind this is all happening right in front of Eric and I. This was too great! An actual fight at a soccer game in South America! How much more cliche can it get?
But the MOMENT he starting trying to pull that, I had an army of people around me that started yelling at him and calling him a liar for what he was saying about me. I think this took him a little off guard because I literally had people ALL around me defending me including the big strong guy that was next to me. He stood up and put the guy in his place. He told the cops that he was the problem and that I wasn't causing any trouble.
The whole time this guy was in my face trying to get people to agree with him that I was causing a problem. He had no such luck. In fact, while he was still in my face talking to me, the people behind me started throwing food at him. How cool is this?!?! My very first soccer game and I'm involved in a fight!
In the end, the police hauled off the 2 guys that started it and were ready to fight. Both of them were actually fighting the police and resisting arrest. It took 3 or 4 cops to restrain each guy. While they were hauling one guy off, he stared me down and gave me the death glare before he flicked me off. The guy that was in my face wasn't arrested but left with his friends as well. I will never go to a soccer game that is more exciting than this one. Schnikies!
On another note, the team that we were cheering for lost 3-1. Everyone was irritated and upset at the outcome. It was surprisingly a very interesting game to watch and I really enjoyed it. And that is saying a lot because I think soccer is one of the most boring sports to watch.
After the game, Eric and I went to our hostel, got our backpacks, grabbed a bit to eat, then headed to the bus station. It was now time to grab an 8 hour overnight bus ride to Puno.
P.S. I still do not have my voice completely back and I have developed a severe cough that I cannot get rid of! It is so annoying. So keep me in your prayers!
Thursday May 23, 2013
We arrived in Puno Peru very early this morning. It was about 6 am and as soon as we arrived, we had people shoving papers in our faces and asking us to stay at their hostels and to go on a tour with them to the floating Islands. One guy finally won out because he said that we could lock our packs up with him for free.
He ended up selling us a half day tour for about $12 that included transportation and entrance to the islands. We thought it was a good price and we were satisfied. But we had to wait a couple hours first because the tour didn't leave until 8:30.
After killing some time, we loaded up in the van, drove around Puno and picked up several other tourists. Then we headed towards the docks where our boat was waiting to take us the 30 minute drive out to all of the floating Islands.
The islands were super cool. It was very interesting to see how they were built and how the people live there. However, I was very disappointed in how touristic it had become. Once we got on the islands, it was as if we were in the markets. They just wanted to sell us a bunch of knick nacs at unreasonably high prices. They had even built a nice restaurant on the island for us to spend a lot of money at. I got hardly any sense of authenticity. Overall, I'm glad we did it because I would have regretted it if we hadn't. However, I was not very impressed.
After the tour, we had about 2 hours to wander around town before we needed to catch our bus to La Paz. When it was time to leave, we were pretty happy because our bus was fairly empty. So, Eric and I each commandeered 2 rows of seats and laid flat out. The trip was going great until the border.
This is when our day got very interesting and quite terrifying. When we went in to get our passports stamped like everyone else, there was a problem with Eric and my passports. Apparently, when we came over to Peru, we stamped out of Bolivia, but never stamped INTO Peru. This was very confusing because we did everything that was asked of us when we entered Peru. So I'm pretty sure that everyone who was on our bus going into Peru is going to have the same problem we did.
The immigration guy was not a happy person to say the least. He was very rude and was treating us like criminals. He said that we broke the law and illegally entered Peru. This was quite worrisome because we were about to get arrested by the Peruvian government! He even accused us of being drug dealers! We tried explaining everything to him of what happened and he would have nothing to do with it. He insisted that we were wrong and that we were now officially criminals. He said that it is now absolutely impossible for us to enter back into Bolivia. The only thin we could do was to get on a bus and drive all the way back from where we just came, and talk with the US embassy.
This was leaving us in a real
messy situation and the only guy that could help us wanted to arrest us. Furthermore,
the bus and everyone on it was waiting on the Bolivian side of the border for
everyone to load back up. But since we could no longer go, we asked the
immigration guy if we could get our bags from the bus and he said that only one
of us could go. I offered to run up there and grab all of our luggage and come
back. While I was retrieving our luggage, I started talking with the bus driver
and another Bolivian guy and explained to them what was happening. They were
confused and said that the immigration guy was an idiot and that it shouldn't
be a problem. They told me to just ask the guy what we could do to resolve the
issue. But of course we had already done that and the immigration guy said that
there were no solutions and that we screwed up big time.
Meanwhile, back at the immigration office, Eric was talking with the immigration guy. He accused Eric of smuggling drugs and even patted him down and did a search. He asked what we were doing and when he found out that we have been volunteering in Bolivia at an orphanage for 9 months and that we had a flight out of La Paz in 7 days, he got a lot nicer. Eric being the charmer that he is started talking with him and made a few jokes. After a few minutes, he decided that he would do something that Eric an I are quite sure is illegal. His buddy works in the office that stamps people's passports who are entering the country. So he said that for $50 each, his buddy could change the date on his stamp and make it look as if nothing had happened. Then they both would sign off on it and we would have no problems.
I wasn't there for any of this. So when I got back with all the luggage, Eric was next door with a guy who was forging his stamp. When I walked into the immigration office/room Eric was gone. I set my stuff down and asked the immigration guy where he was and he told me that the police came and arrested him! Oh my word. I didn't know what to think. My only thought was that they were going to be coming back for me and Eric and I would be spending a long time in a Peruvian jail. By shorty later, Eric walked in and I realized that it was a joke and they explained the deal to me.
We tried to work fast because we wanted to catch our bus before it left. From my conversation with the driver, it was clear that we couldn't enter Bolivia and that they were going to go on without us. But apparently a couple of other people were having passport issues as well (not nearly as serious as ours though). So thank goodness, we were able to catch our bus. As soon as I walked on, a group of people at the back of the bus started cheering and were welcoming us to Bolivia and were happy for us.
But wait, the saga isn't quite over. As soon as the bus started moving, a guy got up and announced that we spent so much time at the border that we were going to miss our connecting bus in Copacabana. He said that we would all need to find a place to stay for the night and then we could purchase another bus ticket very early the next morning. Wow. Things are getting very expensive very fast.
However, once that announcement was made, there were 2 other Americans on our bus who asked if we wanted to share a taxi and continue going to La Paz tonight. We were not sure because we know a 4 hour taxi ride would be pretty expensive. But since they really wanted to get to La Paz tonight and wanted to split the cost 4 ways that we would do it. As it turns out, we found this guy with a medium size bus who would drive just the 4 of us to La Paz for $40. This is pretty pricy for Bolivian standards but we got the whole bus to ourselves and we were going to get to La Paz tonight.
After about 30-40 minutes on the bus, we came to a stop and a Bolivian cop came in shining a big flashlight in our eyes and asked where we were all from. When we told him the United States, he said ok, everybody off right now. Seriously?!?! What could it be now? Fortunately for us, it wasn't a big deal at all. We had just come to a river and passengers needed to buy a boat ticket to cross over because they wouldn't let people ride on the barge that took the bus.
By now, Eric and I are welcoming any and all challenges that come our way. Just in the last 2 days, we have been in a fight at a soccer game, almost got arrested, was abandoned in Copacabana late at night, and have spent a good chuck of our pennies in fines. But through it all, God has been looking out for us. Everything has worked out just fine and we have made it through all the problems (we are just a little poorer now ;-) )
We arrived in Puno Peru very early this morning. It was about 6 am and as soon as we arrived, we had people shoving papers in our faces and asking us to stay at their hostels and to go on a tour with them to the floating Islands. One guy finally won out because he said that we could lock our packs up with him for free.
He ended up selling us a half day tour for about $12 that included transportation and entrance to the islands. We thought it was a good price and we were satisfied. But we had to wait a couple hours first because the tour didn't leave until 8:30.
After killing some time, we loaded up in the van, drove around Puno and picked up several other tourists. Then we headed towards the docks where our boat was waiting to take us the 30 minute drive out to all of the floating Islands.
The islands were super cool. It was very interesting to see how they were built and how the people live there. However, I was very disappointed in how touristic it had become. Once we got on the islands, it was as if we were in the markets. They just wanted to sell us a bunch of knick nacs at unreasonably high prices. They had even built a nice restaurant on the island for us to spend a lot of money at. I got hardly any sense of authenticity. Overall, I'm glad we did it because I would have regretted it if we hadn't. However, I was not very impressed.
After the tour, we had about 2 hours to wander around town before we needed to catch our bus to La Paz. When it was time to leave, we were pretty happy because our bus was fairly empty. So, Eric and I each commandeered 2 rows of seats and laid flat out. The trip was going great until the border.
This is when our day got very interesting and quite terrifying. When we went in to get our passports stamped like everyone else, there was a problem with Eric and my passports. Apparently, when we came over to Peru, we stamped out of Bolivia, but never stamped INTO Peru. This was very confusing because we did everything that was asked of us when we entered Peru. So I'm pretty sure that everyone who was on our bus going into Peru is going to have the same problem we did.
The immigration guy was not a happy person to say the least. He was very rude and was treating us like criminals. He said that we broke the law and illegally entered Peru. This was quite worrisome because we were about to get arrested by the Peruvian government! He even accused us of being drug dealers! We tried explaining everything to him of what happened and he would have nothing to do with it. He insisted that we were wrong and that we were now officially criminals. He said that it is now absolutely impossible for us to enter back into Bolivia. The only thin we could do was to get on a bus and drive all the way back from where we just came, and talk with the US embassy.
Gettin' my massage on! |
Meanwhile, back at the immigration office, Eric was talking with the immigration guy. He accused Eric of smuggling drugs and even patted him down and did a search. He asked what we were doing and when he found out that we have been volunteering in Bolivia at an orphanage for 9 months and that we had a flight out of La Paz in 7 days, he got a lot nicer. Eric being the charmer that he is started talking with him and made a few jokes. After a few minutes, he decided that he would do something that Eric an I are quite sure is illegal. His buddy works in the office that stamps people's passports who are entering the country. So he said that for $50 each, his buddy could change the date on his stamp and make it look as if nothing had happened. Then they both would sign off on it and we would have no problems.
I wasn't there for any of this. So when I got back with all the luggage, Eric was next door with a guy who was forging his stamp. When I walked into the immigration office/room Eric was gone. I set my stuff down and asked the immigration guy where he was and he told me that the police came and arrested him! Oh my word. I didn't know what to think. My only thought was that they were going to be coming back for me and Eric and I would be spending a long time in a Peruvian jail. By shorty later, Eric walked in and I realized that it was a joke and they explained the deal to me.
We tried to work fast because we wanted to catch our bus before it left. From my conversation with the driver, it was clear that we couldn't enter Bolivia and that they were going to go on without us. But apparently a couple of other people were having passport issues as well (not nearly as serious as ours though). So thank goodness, we were able to catch our bus. As soon as I walked on, a group of people at the back of the bus started cheering and were welcoming us to Bolivia and were happy for us.
But wait, the saga isn't quite over. As soon as the bus started moving, a guy got up and announced that we spent so much time at the border that we were going to miss our connecting bus in Copacabana. He said that we would all need to find a place to stay for the night and then we could purchase another bus ticket very early the next morning. Wow. Things are getting very expensive very fast.
However, once that announcement was made, there were 2 other Americans on our bus who asked if we wanted to share a taxi and continue going to La Paz tonight. We were not sure because we know a 4 hour taxi ride would be pretty expensive. But since they really wanted to get to La Paz tonight and wanted to split the cost 4 ways that we would do it. As it turns out, we found this guy with a medium size bus who would drive just the 4 of us to La Paz for $40. This is pretty pricy for Bolivian standards but we got the whole bus to ourselves and we were going to get to La Paz tonight.
After about 30-40 minutes on the bus, we came to a stop and a Bolivian cop came in shining a big flashlight in our eyes and asked where we were all from. When we told him the United States, he said ok, everybody off right now. Seriously?!?! What could it be now? Fortunately for us, it wasn't a big deal at all. We had just come to a river and passengers needed to buy a boat ticket to cross over because they wouldn't let people ride on the barge that took the bus.
By now, Eric and I are welcoming any and all challenges that come our way. Just in the last 2 days, we have been in a fight at a soccer game, almost got arrested, was abandoned in Copacabana late at night, and have spent a good chuck of our pennies in fines. But through it all, God has been looking out for us. Everything has worked out just fine and we have made it through all the problems (we are just a little poorer now ;-) )
Friday May 24, 2013
Finally, back in La Paz safe and sound. I'm just glad we made it back here without being arrested or deported! We are safe and healthy and that's all that matters.
Last night, when we arrived at Dr. Patty's house, we felt a little bad because it was after 11 at night. But fortunately these folk are night owls so it wasn't a problem. As soon as Dr. P. let us in and brought us to our room, he turned the lights on and who lay before our eyes?!?!?! It was Steve!!! Unfortunately we woke him up, but I don't think he minded. We all stayed up for a few minutes saying hello and catching up. But it was late and we were all tired.
The next morning, Eric and I slept in. Boy did that feel good! When we woke up, no one (except the maid) was home. That's not a problem, it just shows how late we slept.
After we finally got enough motivation to get up and get dressed, we went to get some brunch.... Actually, I can't even say brunch, we plain old missed breakfast. We went out to lunch.
The place we ate at had a special of the day. It came with salad, soup, pasta, and dessert for $5. Everything was great except for the pasta. They neglected to mention that the Alfredo had ham in it. When they brought I out, it was like a ham party! I think they out a full pig in a grinder, squished it onto plate, then put some noodles in there! I literally spent about 30 minutes picking out every little piece of ham. By the time I was finished, the plate was cold and I was sad.
After pushing our welcome by sitting there using their wifi for a few hours, it was time to hit the market! Oh market how we have missed you. The greatest thing about these markets is that you can wander and wander and get completely lost and it not matter because you are too intrigued by new stands. This is exactly what happened to us. You know it's a magical place when getting lost is not a fear, it's exciting and welcomed. While we are in these back alleyways and walking through streets made of tents, you can find the best prices on everything!
After a a few hours of shopping, we needed to wrap things up because the sun was going down and it was about to be Sabbath. We wanted to be back at the house before Sabbath started. We will have plenty more time to shop later so it's no worries.
As a surprise to us, when we got back, everyone was upstairs about ready to have Friday worship and then eat a little supper. After supper, we all had a very interesting discussing about how in Matthew 12 it says that as Jonah was in the belly of the whale for 3 days and 3 nights, so Jesus would be in the earth for 3 days and 3 nights. However, Jesus died on Friday night and rose on Sunday.
After discussing this for awhile, Lidia (Mrs. Patty) asked if I would help her in church tomorrow. She wanted me to get up in front of their church and say a few things in Spanish that she had written out but wanted me to memorize. Eh. Ok. No problem. What's the worst that could happen?
Finally, back in La Paz safe and sound. I'm just glad we made it back here without being arrested or deported! We are safe and healthy and that's all that matters.
Last night, when we arrived at Dr. Patty's house, we felt a little bad because it was after 11 at night. But fortunately these folk are night owls so it wasn't a problem. As soon as Dr. P. let us in and brought us to our room, he turned the lights on and who lay before our eyes?!?!?! It was Steve!!! Unfortunately we woke him up, but I don't think he minded. We all stayed up for a few minutes saying hello and catching up. But it was late and we were all tired.
The next morning, Eric and I slept in. Boy did that feel good! When we woke up, no one (except the maid) was home. That's not a problem, it just shows how late we slept.
After we finally got enough motivation to get up and get dressed, we went to get some brunch.... Actually, I can't even say brunch, we plain old missed breakfast. We went out to lunch.
The place we ate at had a special of the day. It came with salad, soup, pasta, and dessert for $5. Everything was great except for the pasta. They neglected to mention that the Alfredo had ham in it. When they brought I out, it was like a ham party! I think they out a full pig in a grinder, squished it onto plate, then put some noodles in there! I literally spent about 30 minutes picking out every little piece of ham. By the time I was finished, the plate was cold and I was sad.
After pushing our welcome by sitting there using their wifi for a few hours, it was time to hit the market! Oh market how we have missed you. The greatest thing about these markets is that you can wander and wander and get completely lost and it not matter because you are too intrigued by new stands. This is exactly what happened to us. You know it's a magical place when getting lost is not a fear, it's exciting and welcomed. While we are in these back alleyways and walking through streets made of tents, you can find the best prices on everything!
After a a few hours of shopping, we needed to wrap things up because the sun was going down and it was about to be Sabbath. We wanted to be back at the house before Sabbath started. We will have plenty more time to shop later so it's no worries.
As a surprise to us, when we got back, everyone was upstairs about ready to have Friday worship and then eat a little supper. After supper, we all had a very interesting discussing about how in Matthew 12 it says that as Jonah was in the belly of the whale for 3 days and 3 nights, so Jesus would be in the earth for 3 days and 3 nights. However, Jesus died on Friday night and rose on Sunday.
After discussing this for awhile, Lidia (Mrs. Patty) asked if I would help her in church tomorrow. She wanted me to get up in front of their church and say a few things in Spanish that she had written out but wanted me to memorize. Eh. Ok. No problem. What's the worst that could happen?
Saturday May 25, 2013
Sabbath morning. Breakfast was at 7:30..... Yeah missed that. Then the plan was to leave at 9. And as surprising as it seems, we were ready but the Patty's were not. So Eric, Steve, Joc, Tabitha, and myself decided to walk. This was a good idea anyway because the car wasn't going to be big enough for all of us.
Church went great and so did the children's story. The church was very nice and didn't seem to notice our gingosity (the characteristic of being a gringo). They, as everyone else in this country, awed over Eric's height however.
After church, we all walked back and had a wonderful lunch that Joc and Tabitha had prepared for us. The Patty family ate somewhere else after church however. After we finished eating, the 5 of us continued to sit there for quite some time just talking and catching up. Joc and Tabitha are some of the most Christian people you will ever run into. They are so kind and yet so much fun to hang out with.
Also this afternoon we spent a little hit of time just with Steve. After being given a bunch of numbers and fractions, we were able to figure out that Steve's birthday was very very soon. This was perfect because my parents wanted me to purchase a bottle of one of his favorite things; olive oil. After that was done, it was time for a little nap nap.
Waking up we began to pack immediately for our short trip to Uyuni. Our plan was to catch the night bus and to take a tour the entire next day, then come back the following morning. However, we didn't really know what time the bus left. We just planned on showing up there sometime after Sabbath and seeing what happens. Little did we know, there is a massive parade going on right now though out all of La Paz. This blocked all of the streets, even from walking in certain places! This prevented us from getting to the bus station in time for their only night bus that left at 7 pm. Oh well, one more night in La Paz before we leave is fine with us.
Sabbath morning. Breakfast was at 7:30..... Yeah missed that. Then the plan was to leave at 9. And as surprising as it seems, we were ready but the Patty's were not. So Eric, Steve, Joc, Tabitha, and myself decided to walk. This was a good idea anyway because the car wasn't going to be big enough for all of us.
Church went great and so did the children's story. The church was very nice and didn't seem to notice our gingosity (the characteristic of being a gringo). They, as everyone else in this country, awed over Eric's height however.
After church, we all walked back and had a wonderful lunch that Joc and Tabitha had prepared for us. The Patty family ate somewhere else after church however. After we finished eating, the 5 of us continued to sit there for quite some time just talking and catching up. Joc and Tabitha are some of the most Christian people you will ever run into. They are so kind and yet so much fun to hang out with.
Also this afternoon we spent a little hit of time just with Steve. After being given a bunch of numbers and fractions, we were able to figure out that Steve's birthday was very very soon. This was perfect because my parents wanted me to purchase a bottle of one of his favorite things; olive oil. After that was done, it was time for a little nap nap.
Waking up we began to pack immediately for our short trip to Uyuni. Our plan was to catch the night bus and to take a tour the entire next day, then come back the following morning. However, we didn't really know what time the bus left. We just planned on showing up there sometime after Sabbath and seeing what happens. Little did we know, there is a massive parade going on right now though out all of La Paz. This blocked all of the streets, even from walking in certain places! This prevented us from getting to the bus station in time for their only night bus that left at 7 pm. Oh well, one more night in La Paz before we leave is fine with us.
P.S. sorry for no pictures. internet is slow and i am in a rush so i will post some later.
You stay civilized…..Planet Earth!!!!
Great story, adventure and well written! Look forward to seeing you and your girlfriend in July.