thinking back, this was a bad idea... |
Sporting my new skills |
Our fearless guide Judah |
SUPER FUN DAY!!!! Since I stayed at FF last night, I had to wake up at 4:45 and make my way to town as soon as possible to make sure I had some time to upload my last blog with some pictures, and to make sure that I didn't miss our trip. So I met Eric at the hotel where he had slept and had about 1.5 hours of internet time.
Now the time had come, everything online was taken care of, snacks had been purchased, and it was time to roll out. When it was time, we loaded up into a red Land Rover with our group. We had 10 people cramed in there so it was pretty uncomfortable and then we had to drive 3 hours with our new found "friends."
The group that we were placed in, was 7 young Isreali's who were all friends. Our group was going to prove to be the only downside to our whole weekend. They were loud, obnoxious, rude, inappropriate, smoke, drank, cursed, and were doing drugs throughout the whole trip. They seemed to like Eric and I pretty well, but they had short fuses with the guides and were not patient at all.
The rudeness of the others in our group turned out to be bittersweet. After seeing how the Isreali's acted, the guides and other workers began to like us better and give us special treatment. For example, after our long drive, they brought us to this restaurant that was included with the excursion price. Everyone got 1 plate of surprisingly good food. But sure enough, the Isreali's were not satisfied. Then they began to ask the waitress for more food and said what they had already cooked and provided wasn't enough. But they waitress said no and there wasn't anymore. Then she told Eric and I that there was a little more rice and corn if we wanted. Then she brought Eric and I (who were sitting at the same table), a big plate of rice and another plate of corn. When the Isreali's saw that, they said that they wanted more too, but the lady just looked at them and said she doesn't have anymore food again. Eric and I thought it was so funny and had to surpress our laughter while the Isreali's got irratated.
After we ate, we had another 15 minute drive to a national park where we met our guide. When we pulled up, there were several boats, guides, and tourists. Thats when we met Judah, our guide. Thats when we all loaded up into the boat and took off down the river.
This river isn't a typical river. It is more marshland. It was a massive expanse of marshland with a network of rivers going through it. It could not have been any more beautiful! The weather was absolutely perfect too. The past 3 days had been very rainy and gross. But today was beautiful and sunny which only enhanced our experience.
Easy there killer... |
It didn't take long to notice that Judah liked Eric and I more than the Isreali's. For awhile, they were rocking the boat and being loud. They were not enjoying or appreciating whenever Judah pointed out animals like Eric and I did. They also didn't speak much spanish which didn't help their case.
We just arrived, and we have already seen some of the greatest thing nature has to offer. We have seen aligators, monkeys, crazy looking birds, turtles, pink dolphins, owls, and boom boom potato yucca's! Nature is good.
Our fish drawl carriage |
Following the social came a little more fun. Aligator hunting! I have only been aligator hunting once in Brazil and it wasn't very successful. But at least I knew how to do it. This proved to be very advantageous. Because the only aligator we caught, I spotted deep in some brush. Even the guide didn't see it at first (and he saw everything) so I was pretty proud of myself. He then drove the boat over and snatched it up and let us play with it. Then he showed Eric and I that we could put it in our mouths like we were eating it! What do you think?
This guy slept right under us |
I also want to point out how impressed I was with the food. Every meal we had, they gave us a food for vegetarians and it was always very good. They even made a special kosher meal for one of the guys in our group for every meal. This was a big relief for Eric and I because we thought we were gunna be scrambling to find non meat food.
Because we were very tired, and the Isreali's were up to nothing good, Eric and I actually went to bed at 8:45. We thought the plan was to wake up early to see the sunrise and head back so we wanted a good nights sleep. The beds were actually more comfortable than the one I have been sleeping on at Familia Feliz.
Monday April 15, 2013
One of the beautiful views on our boatride |
Thinking we were going to start heading back after breakfast, Eric and I were surprised when we talked to our guide and he said we were about to go hunting for anaconda's. WHAT?!?!? How cool is that? I have already held and played with monkeys, had an aligator in my mouth, and now I get to hunt anaconda's? Sweet. He came to Eric and I first before anyone else knew and let us choose our boots first. Then once everyone had their boots, we headed to the anaconda field.
We were probably in the field for no more than 30 minutes before the Isreali girls started to complain. They said that they were girls, not boys and they should not be walking in the mud. Wow. By now, I think our guide was fed up with them because they have not been listening to him and have been putting us way behind schedule. Knowing that Eric and I wanted to keep hunting, he sent us up with another group while he took the others back.
Reminds me of my family |
After we got back to the base, Judah (our guide) tied a piece of raw meat to the end of a stick to feed to aligator. He was teasing it and the aligator was jumping up trying to snatch it. It was quite the show. Afterwards, Eric and I relaxed in the hammocks for a little bit longer until we had lunch and left. But yet again, the Isreali's weren't listening to Judah and kept on being super slow. So we packed all of our stuff and put in the boat and told Judah to yell for us when the slow pokes were ready. He really appreciated us and told us no problem.
Because we didn't stop too many times on the way back to see all the birds, turtles, and monkeys, we were able to get back in a little over an hour. But that ride is so incredibly comfortable. Especially because of the great weather we had yet again.
Our crazy crew |
Hooter! |
Our miniature vacation has been amazing. We had such a great time and it was actually really cheap especially considering vegetarian food, lodging, animals, a guide, and beautiful scenery. Now we are back to the land of children and work. This is also a momentous day in that as of today, we have exactly 1 month left here at Familia Feliz. This too is a bittersweet occassion.
One other thing to note, on the way back to Rurre, Eric and I saw a Cabyvara (I think thats how it's spelled). A Cabyvara which is the world biggest rodent. They are actually quite tough to find and very ugly. But we happened to drive by at a lucky time.
Tuesday April 16, 2013
Yet another great view from the boat |
I was a little hesitant because on Juan and Emmy's day off, I am responsible for lunch because Eric has class. But Jerry assured me that it was going to be a quick trip because he wanted to get back. That, and we were taking the motor bike. Meaning we can get into town fast, do our thing, and get back fast. So I agreed.
As soon as we got into town, started to not feel so good. Every step I took brought me closer and closer to puking. But I wasn't there yet. I really wanted to get it out too because once you puke, normally you are good to keep goin and get on with your life. Fortunately, I was about to exert myself some more and that might help facilitate it.
We took some moto taxi's down the main road until we got to the turn off to walk up to her house. Then Jerry and I started our long walk up. It didn't take him long to realize that it will be a nearly impossible job with just a few guys. It would literally take us a week of hard labor just to move the wood up there. Good news is, shortly after we made it to the top, I was able to clear all the junk out of my stomach.
I´m watching you.... |
As we were leaving, Jerry was telling me more of what she said because I missed most of the conversation due to my puking situation. Then, all of a sudden, we saw this snake in the middle of the path and it scurried away really fast. It's crazy because on our entire excursion this past weekend, we didn't see a single snake. Then when we were not looking for one, we come across one.
As soon as we crossed back over, I went online for about 15 min to send a couple emails. Then right
before we left, Jerry and I stopped by the mail place just to see if I had a package. And what do you know! I did! SCORE!!!! It was from a good friend of mine in Roanoke, Tim Hogan. The package had very....interesting things inside. It had tons of water flavorings which was great. But it also had some very interesting items like one of the extendable pointers that teachers used to use in the old days. They can sometimes be used as a form of punishment for kids. It is always so great to get a package!
I slid forward, and he hopped on in the back and I took off. I had already learned what all the buttons and petals did. Now it was just putting them to work. Then, surprisingly enough, I nailed it first try. No problems. No spinouts or wheelies. Just a simple, smooth takeaway. Then I shifted all the way up, then all the way down a couple times just to practice. It's actually quite easy and beings how I have been driving stick shift all my life really helped me a lot. It is a very similar concept to a manual car.
I had an amazing time driving it! I even had to go off road a couple of times because the government hasn't paved the whole road yet. Jerry said that I was doing really good and that i've got it down. So mom and dad, next Christmas, just write down a dirtbike. That would be great. ;-)
Then once we got back to Familia Feliz, Jerry told me to drive all the way over to my house because he knew that I would want to show Eric. I laughed and told him that he already knew me too well. As soon as I pulled up, all the kids ran out and wanted a ride. So I did 2 laps around the field and took a couple of kids. Driving that bike has been a big highlight in my Bolivia adventure.
Midnight snack |
Wednesday April 17, 2013
First thing I started on this morning was taking down then fence around Warren's house. He is actually not here because he is dealing with Visa issues, but he had told me that he was wanting to take it down. I just wasn't sure how much. So for today, my goal was just the fence in his front yard.
After I finished rolling up the wire and taking down the posts, I decided to shovel a little bit. Thank-goodness we are done with the making the hole part. Now that we are done connecting the electricity, it is a simple filling in issue. I figured it would be a lot easier. however, the sun has baked all the dirt we had removed and it was just as hard as removing it in the first place.
A swampy paradise |
This afternoon was actually quite exciting. Because a big tree fell and almost hit our house in a storm last week, Juan wanted to cut down a couple others. Looking around our house, he saw at least 4 more that posed a threat to our humble aboad. That means we spent all afternoon cutting down trees.
The last two were not only huge, but a lot clser to the house and leaning more directly towards it. For these 2, after we looped a rope, we attached it to the truck. Yet again, growing up on stick shift paid off because I needed to drive the truck while Juan cut. Not going to lie, I felt a little pressure. If I messed up, our entire house could get destroyed! The first one we got down with no problems. Well, it did destroy the soccer goal. The second came very close to doing some damage. However, the bulk of the tree missed the house. After it was down, we simply needed to reattach the rope to a different spot on the tree while I dragged it off of the house.
When did Ryan get here? |
Thursday April 18, 2013
Sorry folk. I don't remember too much from this day. I forgot to blog about it. All I remember is that in the afternoon, we all went to work on filling in the ditch that is running all over campus. But I was unable to do too much because I was starting to feel very weak and a little sick.
Friday April 19, 2013
Livin large |
Armando has continued becoming a lot closer to me and impressing me. Today he wanted to talk with me and have me put my arm around him. He told me that he was going to pray to Jesus and ask Him to make me better. At lunch, before I came out of the room, he asked Eric if I was going to go on the outreach program tomorrow singing for the neighbors. He told Eric that if I didn't go and still felt sick, that he wanted to stay back with me while everyone else went. I wasn't even there when he said that. Eric told me about it later. Anyway, I have started to take a special liking to him.
Saturday April 20, 2013
Sabbath! Got an extra hour of sleep this morning! Super duper! Well, this morning I was the teacher for the early teen class. Surprisingly, I don't mind this too much because I don't have to put nearly as much work into the kids class as I do with the adult class. Class went really well and the kids did really well with their memory verse and study questions.
After church, we were able to rest up for a couple hours before we headed out to do the outreach program. Unfortunately, we were not able to bake bread for this week because of the lack of flour on campus. But God did give us a beautiful day for a walk on the road.
Marco and Polo |
This week we had 2 good size groups go out. 1 group of boys and 1 group of girls. Eric and I were in charge of our 12 boys. We only ended up going to 3 houses, but we were able to sing for them, pray for them, and read them a bible verse. They all seemed like they liked it and the kids had a really fun time doing it. The only downside to the day that I can think of was that while we were walking, I got a big blister and it popped on the bottom of my toe which made it a lot more painful to walk. Other than that, great day.
You stay civilized......Planet Earth!!!!
Hi Chad,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Miguel Tello and, Lord willing, I will be heading to FF this June as a missionary, teaching Spanish at the school and helping with whatever needs to be done in the afternoons. I've been reading your blogs and wanted to, first of all, say thank you for all the information and experiences you've shared about FF and the area. It has helped me a lot already. I also wanted to see if you wouldn't mind answering some questions for me, if you have time. If not, that's fine. I know you're internet time is limited and your time there is winding down. But if you could, please email me at
Thank you again. I'm praying for you, Eric and the rest of the staff and children at FF. God bless!
In Christ,