Once again, I procrastinated and did not blog for these 3 days. So I am not able to provide a detailed description of what all happened. Sorry to disappoint. But I shall give the main points.
Because Eric and I were the only ones going to town today, we were able to take the moto in! How cool is that? It was even more exciting for Eric because he drove on the way into town and it was his first time driving the moto here in Bolivia on the main roads. Having the moto also allowed us to stay in town longer than usual because we had a ride bike for free.
We also met this tour guide a few weeks ago who lives above Juliano's restaurant. He saw Eric and I eating and asked us if we were interested in a tour. We bagan talking and told him that we wanted to go look for internet. But he offered for us to come on up because he has WiFi. When we got up there, he had a pretty cool little office set up. So Eric and I set up our stations and got online for a couple hours. Best part was, it was free! And he said that since we are only going to be here for a couple more weeks, we could use it anytime we want.
Today Juan and I changed the oil in the truck and looked over other things that could be repaired. We also worked a lot on drying/cleaning the rice that we had harvested. Then for work program, we had several kids working on filling in the holes where electrical wire was laid.
Armando voluntarily came over to help me with the rice even though work program was over. He saw that I was alone working and just wanted to help. Then, after awhile, he said "Teacher. Who is you favorite kid?" I told him that I didn't have a favorite because all of them were my favorites (wow, I sound like a mother). Then he asked who I trusted. I told him that I trusted a couple of the boys including him, but not some of the others. Then he asked one final question. He asked "Teacher, at this moment, right now, who is the most helpful?" That's when he finally got the answer he was looking for. I told him that at this moment, I would have to say him. Then he got a big smile and gave me a hug.
Today I spent awhile in town getting more money out of the bank to fix the truck and taking it to the shop. This was also Juan and Emmy's day off, so I had to catch a taxi back to Familia Feliz. Before I left to go to town though, I stopped by Missy's house and her kids started yelling and pulling me into the backyard to see something. Apparently there was an anteater in the tree behind their house! It got there ealier in the day and the dogs started to attack it before Missy's kids intervened.
Wednesday April 24, 2013
Hm, what happened today. I feel like most of today I was confused at what was happening. First thing I did was to go with Juan, Samuel, and Gerry to go and pick up wood to build a bridge in Familia Feliz and at the entrance.
Now you listen hear mister! |
When we go to the wood place, the guy wasn't there. So we ended up just sitting there waiting for a long time until we decided to just take the wood and pay him later. Then, when we got back to Familia Feliz, we sat there waiting again. This time until Juan could talk with the workers.
Later this afternoon, Samuel and I tried to use the lawnmower because it was supposedly fixed. But while we were trying to start it up, it just kept shooting out white smoke all over the place and randomly shutting off. We could not figure it out. So we called the smartest guy in the world over, Juan. He spent awhile trying to figure out what was wrong and decided the we needed to let it run for 30 minutes before we used it again.
After that, it was no problem. Then, Later that afternoon during the work program, I mowed the lawn in front of the school. It is actually a soccer field that I think the kids use every single day. I was pretty excited and was doing a pretty good job right up until the belt broke. Then is was back to square one with the lawnmower not working.
However, the good news was that it broke down right when Eric and Juan were pulling out to go to town. They waited for me to put the mower back and grab my stuff so that I could go too. I personally didn't have anything to do, but because the work program was over, I decided to go ahead and go. I mean come on, who passes on a free day to town?
The highlight of the day came this evening. That anteater that I mentioned before was now in Missy's house. Her son Edgar apparently caught it and brought it into his room. Eric saw it and got super excited and came over to get me. We then spent a long time playing with the little furball. Ant-eaters are apparently pretty dangerous and aggressive. But fortunately, the dogs had gotten to it first and wounded it. It was still pretty fiesty though.
Thursday April 25, 2013
This morning, Eric and I got a little treat. We got to go to town! Samuel came back and Eric asked him if he would cover for him while Eric and I went to run a few errands in town. The main reason we needed to go was to pick up the rest of the new school desks that Eric had ordered.
While in town, we did several things. We shopped for food, took some things to get cleaned, picked up desks, and got online. However, the desks took the longest. It was not a simple pick them up and go. Apparently, the carpenter did not make the desks the way that he promised he would. So while I moved all the desks outside and loaded them onto the truck, Eric made a deal with the guy that if any of the desks broke, he would fix them for free. After we finished with our errands, Eric and I were able to get a little free WiFi internet. We ended up just sitting in the truck outside of Narguila's on our computers using the internet. Because it was not our day off, we only sat there for about an hour or 2 before heading back.
We had strategically planned our return trip to brig us back right at lunchtime. Genius right? After lunch, we had the days normal relax time (for maybe an hour), then it was time for the work program. For work today, Eric and I helped unload the desks, clean the classrooms, and dried/cleaned rice.
Later this afternoon though, we did the usual afternoon activity. Soccer. We all played for a long long time and I played shoeless to boot (pun intended). All
For dinner, Eric and I treated ourselves to a little something special. We had a bag of mashed potatoes (designed to feed a family of 8) that we decided to make along with some mushroom gravy that had been sent to us awhile back. Wowie. It was all too good. We enjoyed every last bite while relaxing to a movie in our room. After each of us ate enough for 4 people, we were full. It was a good night.
Friday April 26, 2013
TGIF! This week has been a little bit of a slower week. But I think thats normal as things are starting to wind down before our departure. Thinking back, the time has absolutely flown by. But thinking forward, it is going very slow.
Today was yet another bread making day. And today, we actually had enough flour purchased to do so. I only had to round up a few other ingredients from a couple of other houses. While baking bread, I had the time to wash all of my dirty clothes. This kept me pretty much constantly busy. Also, on top of that, Emmy also sent over 7 trays of items that she wanted me to bake for her as well. Other than that, bread making days are pretty uneventful.
Some exciting news, Warren got back today! He has been got for about 2 weeks maybe? But it is sure nice to have him back here. He had planned to go to La Paz to figure out passport issues, then he wanted to go to other sites to visit. However, he got pretty sick in La Paz and was not able to continue traveling around.
This evening started out very relaxing. Eric and I were sitting around welcoming the Sabbath and some rest. I asked Eric "arn't Sabbath's so much more relaxing when we don't have to worry about giving the sermon or teaching Sabbath School?" Not more than a few minutes later, there was a knock on our door. It was Warren. As it turns out, he was on the schedule for the Adult Sabbath School AND the Sermon. So instead of doing both, Eric and I were just put in charge of doing the sermon. Uh oh.
Eric and I immediately began to try and figure out what we were going to do. We decided that it would just be best for us to do a couple of childrens stories and give a message about it. But then came the cherry on top; I remembered that 30 church members from up the road are planning to visit tomorrow for church. Oh boy. They are not going to want to hear a little kids story for a sermon and are expecting a well put together sermon.
Later this evening, Eric had to go and talk with Missy for a bit. While there, Missy voluntarily offered to do the sermon instead of us. Crazy blessing! We just went from being very relaxed, to very stressed, to very relaxed again. I don't know if I can handle this kind of emotional roller coaster much longer!
Saturday April 27, 2013
Well, so much for a relaxing Sabbath. We had a very good Sabbath with good weather. It was just simply a very busy sabbath.
As I said before, Eric and I were able to squeeze ourselves out of doing a sermon for the day. That was a major help to us for sure. However for some reason, I was completely drained today. I had to use every bit of strength I had to stay awake in church. All the while knowing that I had a full day ahead of me.
After church, we had a potluck lunch with all the visitors from the other church. then right afterwards it was time to head out for the outreach program where we walk along the road, then go to peoples homes and sing for them and give them bread. This is always super fun to do, but again, Eric and I have been running on reserve power all day long.
The outreach went great and we went to several homes. Everyone greeted us with open arms and was ready to listen. We sang songs, read some scripture, and then prayed for them. Great Sabbath afternoon.
As soon as we got back to Familia Feliz, it was time for rounda where we did even more singing. Then shortly thereafter, it was time for the Saturday night social. This was really fun and all the kids seemed to really enjoy it. We played some tag games, some jumping games, and some listening games. It was funny, even though these were all kids games, I still broke a sweat! It was probably because I had two cute "leeches" the whole time. I had 2 kids holding onto me no matter what I did or where I went because they wanted to do good like me.
After the games, it was the time I had been waiting for all day! Relaxing time in my room! Sweet.
You stay civilized.....Planet Earth!!!!