Monday March 11, 2013
Rain got the best of this truck |
This left us with only 4 hours of sleep. But not to worry, we are men, and internet in Bolivia drives men to do crazy things! Eric had to be back by 7:30 for class, and I needed to be back for......well, I didn't know what I was going to do today quite yet.
After getting back to FF, I layed down for about 30 minutes before I got up to make some bread. I figured on such little sleep, that would be a good job for today. However, as soon as I had finished mixing the bread, Warren came out and asked me if I could go with them to pick up some lumber to fix the bridge and to hold up electrical wire.
Yankin down coconuts |
After the coconut place, we stopped to see if the axe was ready. The new axe's were finance by the Howell's as well. But the thing with Axe's down here, they don't come with handles. So you have to custom make the handles. So we have simply been waiting for him to hand make them and fit the axe head on there. And he had one finished today! It looks great! The other one will be done next week. Then following the axe place, we stopped at another lumber yeard to price and compare.
After getting back to FF, I finished making the bread and was ready to relax. Our room is so much more appealing now because yesterday, Eric and I bought a fan in town! It is so great! Nice and powerful. I'm sure the other volunteers are a little jealous. ;-)
Wednesday March 13, 2013
Axe's and Saw donated by Mr. and Mrs. Howell |
Once my axe muscles were exhausted, it was time to use my shoveling muscles. So I grabbed a shovel and went to work on the ditch for the electricity. I didn't work for too terribly long because my plan was to dig for the work program. Which I was right. Eric and I put in a good couple of hours of digging later that afternoon. We are probably about 3/5th's of the way done.
After the work program, I went and sat down with Jenette. She was all by herself in the big house so she needed some attention. So I picked her up and took her outside. She is becoming so much more responsive. We just sat there and I tried tickling her, took her on a walking exercise to continue building her muscles, and swung her up in the air. Swinging her was my favorite part because she got the biggest smile on her face and even screamed in excitement. I had never heard her so happy! It's so great to see her improve, even if it is very minimal.
A lot later this afternoon, right before dinner, Warren wanted me to load up with him, Juan, and Samuel to go pick up a bunch of wood that we had ordered the other day. Apparently, we have a carpenter that will be coming here in the next couple of days to build some furniture and other useful things for us. So we went out to pick up all of this wood for him to work with. Fortunately, it didn't take us the whole night like I thought. So I was still able to get back and get a plate of food.
Thursday March 14, 2013
Today was a pure work day. All morning I was busy doing something. It all started with me continuing to dig the long electrical ditch over by the church. Wowie, that thing is sure taking a long time! Trying to dig through tree roots in the hot sun is very hard. Especially by myself in the morning.
The other thing I did this morning was work a little bit on fixing the bridge on campus. A few weeks ago, some of the temporary volunteers began to pull up some of the rotted boards and wanted to fix it. But they had to leave before they could fix it leaving the the bridge unusable. So Gerry and I started working on it today, but after we started, Gerry said that the whole bridge is rotten and needs to be replaced. The wood is just being eaten away and when we walk across, the bridge sways from side to side. Looks like Gerry and I have yet another project ahead of us.
This afternoon Eric's desks arrived! Several weeks ago, Eric through his church, was able to raise enough money to purchase brand new desks for the school. The old ones were very beaten up and barely holding on. Anyway, he had ordered them a while ago and they finally arrived. We went ahead and moved them all into his classroom.
On a Sadder note, Joy and Max left today and they will not be coming back. They had announced that they were going to get married and do it this Sabbath. However, yesterday, Eric and I found out that they are going to have the wedding in Canada. So they have both left and have decided to live in Canada. Best of luck to them.
Friday March 15, 2013
Today, Eric and I got super lucky. Last night it rained all night really hard, and it rained all this morning too. School was cancled and we couldn't work outside due to the rain. It rained so hard last night that it knocked down one of of electricity poles which Eric, Warren, and I had to fix in the pouring rain. Anyway, Warren said that since we wern't going to do anything outside today, that Eric and I could go to town! Woohoo!
Town is always such a good time. Especially when it is a bonus day! I didn't want to spend too much money because my budget doesn't allow for bonus days. But that didn't work out so well because I needed to buy new sandles because mine broke last night while trying to fix the pole, and I needed a few snacks to take back to Familia Feliz as Eric and I get very hungry at times.
Sicles and bags donated by Mr. and Mrs. Howell |
Later on, we just hung out and were eagerly welcoming Sabbath. We had a fairly long vesper program for the volunteers with pastor Moore in which we talked about achieving perfection as described in the Bible. Afterwards, we had dinner, then Eric and I listened to a bunch of really cool scripture songs that I had on my iPhone from a Bible teacher at my high school.
Saturday March 16, 2013
Mmmmm sleeping in until 8:15. Love it! Then we just layed there, talked, and read our Bibles for awhile until we got up to get dressed for Sabbath school. Most of the volunteers left this morning along with a few students to put on the church service for the church in Rurre. So it seemed like our attendence was cut in half. So while we waited for all of the kids to show up, Eric and I played Bible pictionary of sorts with the kids. We drew pictures of Moses, Noah, David, Jerico, Adam and Eve, and numerous others, and had the kids guess who we were drawing.
Once everyone was there, we all sang some songs, then Missy read a story from a Bible book that I used to read growing up. I remembered all the pictures and what the words were. It wasa great blast from the past. But before the sermon, Missy, and her grandfather (who was supposed to give the sermon) got sick. So we had nothing for the kids other than a Bible video.
After church, Eric and I had a really good bonding afternoon. He borrowed Missy's guitar, and I borrowed her violin, and we had a Bible "jam session". We played songs like amazing grace and I'll fly away and other hymnal classics. We just relaxed and talked and hung out as buddies most of the afternoon until it was time for Rounda.
You stay civilized......planet earth!!!!
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