Monday Dec.
3, 2012
Family I stayed with in La Paz |
Today I am taking the morning
off. Eric and I have decided that we will both take 2 mornings off each week
instead of one full day. This is because we are now the sole parents of the
kids in this house, making it difficult to spend a whole day alone. So I will
still be coming to town ever Monday from about 8 am to noonish, then again on
Friday. He will be taking Tuesday and Thursday mornings off. We have decided
that we want to be back by about 1 or so so that we can help each other cook
and watch the kids in the afternoon.
This afternoon when I got back I
had to dish out a little punishment. The first story was because someone soaked
another students’ (Jose’s) bed with water. This obviously made Jose mad and
upset. When he told me what happened, he said he thought it was David, but then
David said it was Guillermo, then Guillermo said it was David. So I got both of
them together and asked who did it and they looked at each other and both said
Moises. I obviously knew it couldn’t be Moises, so I told the boys that I would
punish them both if they didn’t tell me who did it, and then when I found out
who it really was, that person would get an even worse punishment. So immediately Guillermo perked up and said
it was him. So I said Thank you and went downstairs to talk to Eric about my
idea for punishment. He loved it. So I went to Jose (the kid whose bed got
soaked) and I told him that he could take 2 liters of water and soak
Guillermo’s bed! He was SO excited and couldn’t believe that I was letting him
do that! So later on when I said he could, he went upstairs and did the deed.
However, what I didn’t know was that Guillermo was IN his bed asleep. So that
was a rude awakening. However He didn’t complain about it at all because he
knew he had it coming.
At just about the same time, the
other David in the house came up to me and said someone trashed his dresser and
threw all of his just washed and folded clothes all over the floor. There were
only a couple people around, and the most mischievous, Moises, was sitting
right there on the floor looking guilty. So I asked him if he did it and he
quickly said no. I asked him if he was lying and said that when you lie, it
only makes things a lot worse for you, a lot lot worse. Then I said I was going
to ask him one last time if he did it, then after I did, he hung his head and
was quiet, then he looked up and said no. I asked him if that was his final
answer and then he paused, and then said he did it. So I said thank-you and
told him that he will have to do David’s laundry next time.
There is a big problem in this
house as far as wetting the bed. Because most all of these kids are going
through that stage. But the last story I have to note of this day was right
before the kids fell asleep, Moises and David said “Teacher Eric, Teacher Eric”
(who was standing right beside me) “we just went pee pee”. So these kids just
pee’d the bed before they were even asleep! So I actually thought that was a
little funny.
Eric went to town in the morning. This was my first real test of patience
because normally I have Eric here with me who is absolutely phenomenal with
kids. But today, I was on my own. The first task was to cook breakfast. So to
make that easy, I decided to give them oranges, bananas, and scrabled and fried
eggs. BAM! Done!
Now to get them to work. That is
by far the hardest part. So today, I wanted to take all of my boys over to the
church with brooms, buckets, and brushes. The church floor became extremely
dirty and gross. So Eric and I thought it needed a good cleaning. The kids
eagerly went over there. However, they weren’t so eager to actually work. Most all
of them worked a little bit, but Jose and Moises worked hard the entire time.
We cleaned all the pews and almost all of the floor with soap and water. It
looks so much better. And since those 2 boys worked without stopping and didn’t
play around, I gave them Oreo’s in front of everyone and explained why they
were getting them and why the other boys were not.
For lunch, we got really lucky
because Steven decided that he was going to cook for us which was a big
surprise. He cooked soup and potato wedges. It was not only scrumptious, but
saved me the hassle of stressing about what to cook for the kids. After lunch,
Eric got back. The kids played for a good portion of the afternoon.
Later in the evening again was
when I had bad sides come out again. My David (“davicito”) decided he was going
to take one of Erics’ David’s mango. My Davicito took the mango and started to
eat it which made the other David sad. So I called my Davicito downstairs, took
him to a corner, put a piece of tape on the wall and said that he needed to put
his nose on the tape and not take it off for 10 minutes. Genius punishment
right? Well I can’t take full credit for it because my girlfriend came up with
it. So he stood there, not allowed to talk to anyone or look at anything other
than the wall for 10 minutes.
Probably the funniest thing that
happened today with Moises. The boys have been making French fries several
times today. But Moises (who is 11 but a little slower than most kids) decided
that he wanted to add a little flavor to his French fries, so instead of using
regular cooking oil like everyone else, he was going to use something special
and make a delicacy, he used motor oil. Fortunately we smelled it and caught
him before anyone, including himself ate it.
Another kinda funny thing that
happened today was right before I layed down to go to bed, I took a drink of
water. Then a few seconds after I layed down, a drip of something landed on my
lips. I had no idea what it was or where it came from. I was just hoping it
wasn’t pee coming from one of the kids’ beds upstairs! Then it hit me, I
figured out where it came from. There was water on my mustache, and when I
layed down, it dripped from the hairs onto my mouth! Gross right? Nah, that’s
awesome! Haha
Dec. 5, 2012
This morning Eric and I woke up
and fixed breakfast for everyone, then Eric and 3 of the boys went up to the
Toma to fix the water because a big storm last night knocked out the water. Leaving
me with most of the boys which was no problem. It has actually been very
helpful to have Steven here as a little relief too. The boys pretty much played
all day. Then in the evening, Eric and I showed them Lassie and then they all
went to bed. Nothing too exciting happened.
Dec. 6, 2012
Today was Eric’s second town day
and to be honest, I don’t really remember what happened today. I usually type
up my blog once or twice a week and sometimes the days completely run together.
So I will make it up to you and try to post a few more pictures here.
Friday Dec.
7, 2012
Today was my second town day!!
Sweet! So me being the cheapskate that I am, I ate breakfast here so I wouldn’t
have to buy any in town. But today I stocked up a little bit on my snacks, used
the internet, picked up Erics’ laundry for him and just enjoyed being away.
On my way back however, I
stopped to see if there were any packages for either me or Eric, and we each
had 2! Normally they would never let me pick up Eric’s mail, but it was a new
girl and I told her that he wasn’t with me and really wanted them. I also
showed her that they were to and from the same address. So she let it slide. I
walked out of that “post office” (which is more like a shed filled with random
mail) and felt like the king of the world with 4 packages stacked on top of
each other! Turns out that our Christmas and thanksgiving packages arrived
about the same time. So when I got back to Familia Feliz, Eric and I tore into
them! We got some veggie meat, stickers, chocolate, gravy, mash potatoes,
instant cook cookies, cranberry stuff for Thanksgiving, and tons of letters
from our friends back home. While we were opening those packages, I think I can
speak for both of us when I say that we felt like we were at home. It is
non-stop excitement and joy when we get a package and open it. Turns out that
they only took about 2 or 3 weeks to get here too! So thank-you southern and
too all who wrote me letters!
Dec. 8, 2012
Eric and I did not have the best
wakeup call in the world. We woke up to the kids yelling something about poop.
Turns out that Moises (same kid who pee’d the bed while he was awake, and who
baked with motor oil), needed to go to the bathroom and could not make it. So
there was poop upstairs on the floor, all down the stairwell, in the kitchen,
and all over the toilette seat. Fortunately, Eric manned up and said he would
go out and take care of it because he knows how I get around poop. You can
smear spider guts all over my face, you can put a cockroach in my mouth, but DO
NOT under any circumstance put me near poop, especially when it is not in a
toilette, because I WILL throw up. Not maybe, I will.
So now, the entire house smells
like poop and we have to wait for the wind to take care of it. We made him
clean up his mess, but there is still a stench. Lizelle came over this morning
and also found more poop right outside against the side of the house. Turns out
that was Moises too. Not sure exactly why he went to the side of the house to
do that when it is not only further away than the bathroom, but there is no
toilette paper there either? Oh well.
This morning for church, we sang
3 songs, and watched a Bible Movie that Eric’s mom sent him. It was also the
first time that I prayed in front of people in Spanish! Phew. I’m sure I was
extremely wrong in what I said, but I’m sure they knew what I meant.
We just finished lunch and now
the kids are playing, so now I am going to read a little and then take a power
nap! Oh, and Eric says hi.
Well, I woke up a little while
later and Eric and I commenced the process of cooking dinner for all the kids.
However, Milton, one of Joys kids, came over and asked if we wanted to go to
town and play volleyball tonight. Eric and I got so excited because we LOVE volleyball
and were even on the same A league intramural team at southern. But we weren’t
sure if we could both go because someone needed to watch the kids. That is why
we decided to take them all with us! Once we got into town, around 8:15pm, Joy
dropped us off at some indoor courts which are actually racquetball courts
converted into volleyball courts. This was an absolute blast. We played with
the kids and the other volunteers until 10 pm. They don’t really know how to
play volleyball and just hit the ball with not much rhyme or reason which I
thought was pretty funny.
Sunday Dec.
9, 2012
Today was a hard day, because
Eric was going to town in the afternoon. He changed his days so now he is going
to town on Sunday and Thursday. While my days to go to town are still on Monday
and Friday mornings.
However today, 2 of my boys had
a rough day. They simply did not want to listen. The good news was, they
weren’t disobeying me, but rather they were disobeying baker Steve. These kids
have such little respect for baker Steve which makes him very sad and I hate to
Steven and I were baking bread
today and while we were dividing them into individual buns, a couple of the
kids were playing soccer nearby and came very close to knocking over a bunch of
bread. Not only was it a little annoying, but bread is Steve’s passion.
Anything that comes to bread he takes personally. So he kindly asked the kids
to play on the other side of the building which they did. But 5 minutes later,
they were right back over. So he asked them to play outside which they just
refused to do. I finally asked them to leave and to listen to Steven and they
immediately left and didn’t come back. However, once I finished helping Steven,
I went back to the house. But as soon as I did, the kids came right back and
started annoying Steven.
It makes it so much harder for
Steven because not only is he not used to dealing with kids, but he doesn’t
speak but a few words of Spanish. So he just talks to the kids in English even
though they don’t understand. So finally, Steve took the ball from them and
locked it up (good for him). But then again later, another boy came over and
started flattening the bread and messing them up. Steven caught him and told
him to stand in the corner for 10 min. Which even in English, the child
understood, because Steven walked him over to the corner and said “Aqui, diez
minutes” (here, 10 minutes). But the child (Guillermo), just turned, looked at
Steven and ran away.
Steven talked to me later about
all that happened. So I apologized and told him that I would take care of it
and those two boys would get punished. Later on, I sat down with each of those
boys and had a long heart to heart with them. I explained that it hurt Steven
and they need to listen and respect him. Both of them seemed to listen and
understand very well. So apparently,
individually, they went to Steven and apologized for how they acted. Which was
great because I didn’t even ask them to do that! Steven really appreciated it
and now he is happy.
They night ended with Eric and I
making soup with noodles and carrots in water. However, before we served the
food, I remembered that Southern had sent me Mckay’s vegetarian Chicken broth!
MMMMMMMM it was soooo yummy! The kids loved the taste too! They had never tasted
that before. So it was a nice treat for everyone. The night concluded with a
showing of the lion king in English. We gave them the option of watching
another cartoon in Spanish, but they said they’d rather watch the lion king,
even if it was in English.
You stay
civilized……planet earth!!!
haha I love that punishment! Worked everytime for me ;)
ReplyDeleteYou sure are getting some good parenting skills in place. I sure hope our lil peanut is better controlled. We might have to have him go to Uncle Chad's finishing school :) Hehe