Needless to say, this is a little stressful. Not only is it difficult to travel with over 100 Kg of luggage, but we are now having to trust a foreign airline in a foreign country with ALL of our luggage. Not to mention, we would have to spend 1 night in La Paz as a layover. So we are without our luggage for 2 days!
After shipping our luggage, we went back to the hotel and then explored for a little bit. However, our flight left at 8:20 the next morning. Meaning, we had to be at the airport by about 7:00 and the airport was a 20 min. drive away. Our alarms however did not function that morning (as always seems to happen at crucial times) we woke up at 6:45 and panicked, not knowing if we would make our flight, we threw everything together, ran downstairs to check out and caught a taxi. Fortunately we made it!
We got onto our flight to La Paz with no problems, arrived to La Paz, and checked into the same hotel that we had stayed at before we went to santa cruz. Since we still had the whole day ahead of us, we decided to be extremely adventureous and took a very very long nap. But later that evening, we went back out to the "Black Market" and bought a few gifts and things we could use for the orphange.
But today is the big day. Today is the day that we will arrive in Rurr, get our luggage, and meet everyone at the orphange! We are so excited to finally be getting to our destination and to start working (sounds weird right)! As of today, Eric and I have 259 days left until our return to the states......well, thats IF we decide to come back....
You stay civilized.....planet earth!
Hope you brought your personal AC with you:) Praying for a wonderful experience with God's blessings.