Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sorry for the delay

Monday Oct. 8, 2012

I don’t usually include Mondays on my blog which is because I usually spend it just sitting in Narguila’s stuffing my face and adding to my blog! However, today was a little different. I had fallen asleep around 11 at night but was woken up right at 1 AM. One of Eric’s children was sent over to my house to get me and said that Eric was sick and needed me as soon as possible. So I jumped out of bed not knowing what I was going to see when I got over there. When I walked in, Eric looked as if he was dead. He had no energy, was pale, and could barely move or talk. He told me that he had been in the bathroom for 3 hours straight and was being completely drained.

He was not able to keep anything down at all. Everything he drank came right back up 5 minutes later. I told Erin (who was also called over) that I thought we needed to take him to the hospital to get in IV. Then a few minutes later he told me that he was freezing which I knew was a bad sign because trust me, it’s NEVER cold here. That’s when I told Juan that we needed to get the truck and get going. That’s about the time Melissa got there. She first asked him several questions, and then made the guess that he had salmonella. I don’t think that she is a nurse, but apparently, salmonella is pretty common over here, especially amongst the gringos. So after we all agreed that he needed to be taken in, we loaded him up and made the long trek into town.

When we got into town and arrived at the clinic, they were initially closed. But we knocked several times until they opened the door and saw Eric. That’s when they decided that they were going to be open. It was about 1:30 when we arrive to the clinic. The doctor came out and was dressed in jean shorts and a sleeveless shirt. He looked smart, but it didn’t take me long to remember that we were still in Bolivia, not the great U.S. of A. I asked Juan if this was the best place to come and he said that it is by far the best place. The staff at the clinic are familiar with familia feliz and are a lot more hospitable. This all turned out to be correct, they even offered me a bed next to eric for the night. So after a few hours of probing, some vomit, some runs, some blood, and some IV, he was finally able to fall asleep for a brief time around 3:30 am. But that was short lived as he woke up about an hour later with more of the same. And that was the pattern of the morning. However, he did tell me that after having the IV for a while, he was beginning to feel stronger and a lot better. He was even starting to get some of his color back. The doctor confirmed for us that it was salmonella.

Fortunately, I was able to get in touch with Eric’s mom shortly after we arrived to the clinic. So his parents were aware of what was happening. The doctor says that he wants to keep eric one more night to observe him to be on the safe side. So keep him in your prayers.

You stay civilized…..planet Earth!!!!

Tuesday Oct. 9, 2012

Last night I stayed with Eric again in the clinic. By now he was feeling a ton better which is wonderful. He has regained color and strength. Thanks to everyone for the prayers I know he really appreciated them. However, although he was getting better, something was starting to go on with my throat. It had been hurting a little bit all day on Monday, but on Monday night, it was pretty painful and getting hard to talk and to swallow. I was hoping that it was simply because I was up all night the previous night and a good nights sleep would fix me right up. But after getting a fairly good nights sleep at the clinic, I woke up this morning and my throat was just as bad, if not more so.

I had to wake up fairly early because to had to get back to Familia Feliz for my 10:30 english class. However, I wanted to get some cough drops or something. But none of the pharmacies where open. So I went into this one store and saw what appeared to be what I was looking for. I was excited, but I wanted to ask to make sure I wasn’t just buying candy. But I guess the lady knew what I was wanting simply by listening to my voice because she straight up lied to me and told me it was throat medicine. After I tasted it, I knew it couldn’t be because of how good it tasted. So the next store I went in, I asked the guy about them and he said they are completely sugar and have no medicinal value at all. I was a little upset at how the previous lady took me for a ride. But it wasn’t a TON of money, so I’ll live.

After this, I got a taxi back to Familia Feliz only to find out that they had moved my class to 4:30 without telling me. This was another slight annoyance, as Missy (Melissa) was expecting me to come back to town with her in the afternoon. So, I talked with the school leader and we decided that this whole thing is really about the kids and that we should do what’s in their best interest, so we canceled my class. This was a great relief for me as I was now able to take some things into town for Eric and meet him down there.

The other pretty interesting thing that happened to me today was Ron invited Erin and I over to his house for homemade pumpkin pie! Ron is an elderly white guy who came here years ago and opened a bread store. His bread shop was the main one in Rurre, and his business was hoppin’ until some French guy came in and put him out business. So now, Ron makes homemade oatmeal cookies, banana bread and several other delicious goodies. The pumpkin pie he actually wanted us to try wasn’t made with pumpkins because they don’t have those anywhere in Bolivia. He simply used other squash (which is in the same family as pumpkins) and cooked it the same way. His pie crust was homemade too with oatmeal, and honey, and brown sugar, and other things. It was absolutely amazing! It tasted so good. He isn’t going to be in Rurre too much longer because he will be heading to a pretty rough town where the crime rate is super high in order to spread the good news and to witness to others. He himself is not an Adventist, but he does believe in the Seventh-Day Sabbath and keeps that faithfully.

The rest of the day was fairly simple and laid back. The only little thing that went wrong was the fact that I had ordered a pizza at Narguila’s and ate it, then after being on my computer for a while, I forgot to pay. So yes ladies and gentlemen, I have done my first "dine and dash". However, next time I go into town I will be paying for it, because they are the last people I want to not like me!

Wednesday Oct. 10, 2012

Today was not the most exciting day in the world. It was a pretty dead day for Eric and I as there was not much to do. So, I capitalized on this day to get things done that I needed to. For example, in the morning, I was able to get some of my laundry done while the boys were in school. Laundry is not quite as easy as putting clothes in a machine, pushing start, and coming back 45 minutes later. Here, we have to do everything by hand and with a paddle, and a brush. After we finish cleaning, we have to hang our clothes on a line to dry. It is a very long and tedious process. However, it was made a little more pleasant because of the 4 toucans I saw in the tree right behind me. They were absolutely beautiful.

After laundry, I spent some time in Bible study and then took a little nap. When I woke up, I decided I was going to tackle the temple of doom……..my bathroom. Ever since I got here, it has been a complete and utter disaster. It was one of those places that a rat wouldn’t even go in without shoes. In fact, I think I just saw a tarantula walking around with 4 pairs of Nike sneakers! This bathroom had things such as an old sink on the floor, wet TP everywhere, random bricks, and a big pot full of motor oil that has been there for months. But by far, the worst part of the entire bathroom was the toilet. Inside, you literally could not tell that the bowl was white. It was completely stained with…..well…..stuff….. and every time I lifted the toilet seat, I was overwhelmed with the most foul and offensive smell that has dared to enter my nostrils. So I decided to give it a good cleaning. For a couple hours I went at it scrubbing and removing things and making it human worthy. Eventually I want to even get some paint and give the room new walls, because these are beyond scrubbing. Not too much else happened today.

Thursday Oct. 11, 2012

Today was a bread day yet again. Only this time, Eric was not going to be helping. He wanted to go into town and make sure he go to talk to his parents and let them know that he was feeling better and so he could take care of the things he couldn’t do on his day off. I was supposed to meet our baker friend right after lunch to get crackin’ on the bread. So, until then, I took a little snooze. I have had this extremely sore throat for the past 3 days or so and have even lost my voice. It has been terrible. But there are a few others that have it too. So I think that it is something that is just going around. Anyways, I have been trying to get some good sleep and drink plenty of water just like momma taught me (or was that daddy?).

I had a really great spiritual experience today actually. Recently I have been asking myself what is my purpose here? I haven’t quite been able to figure it out because I feel that everything I have done, they could do without me and I could be used elsewhere better. However, God showed me very clearly today. Let me explain, as I said earlier, this was another bread making day which have recently become a little bit longer. However, Eric wasn’t going to be here so that was just going to make things a little bit harder. A week or 2 ago, I mentioned our new helper in the kitchen and how he is not some people’s slice of pumpkin pie, but all of us don’t get along with some people. However, although many others don’t quite understand him, I’m starting to. Are there some stressful times? Sure. But most of everyone that I have seen so far cannot tolerate some things for more than a few minutes, but I realized today that I can. It is not the worst thing in the world and I have the patience for it. Not only that, but I have actually been enjoying the job that everyone before us has hated. I also feel that because I felt called to come to Bolivia to be a missionary, that doesn’t mean I was only called to reach Bolivians. I saw today, that I have another mission field here too.

Later that evening I had a little scare. Eric and Missy got back from town around 8:30ish and after they pulled in, Missy came right up to me and said that I was in big trouble and that my dad was currently on a flight coming to get me. Don’t worry, I’m not in trouble and my dad is still in Virginia. Here’s what happened, apparently, at 2:30 this morning, my dad got a message from me on skype that said "help". This obviously was not me because I am kinda in the middle of the jungle where the only way I can send a message is by tying one around the necks of these gigantic moths! This obviously gave my dad quite the scare and he called Eric’s mom who in turn panicked and began calling me, Eric, the police headquarters, GMI, Narguila’s, and even some lady in Rurre. All these people were on the hunt for me trying to get in touch and find out if I am alive. And all the while I was simply baking bread. I had no knowledge that any of this was going on at all. It is a very good thing that Missy and Eric needed to go to town today because I’m sure that my dad would have been on a plane bound for Bolivia if he didn’t hear from me or Eric soon. Can’t wait to hear more about my dad’s feelings when I go to town on Monday! So obviously my skype account was hacked and I need to change my password. What a nightmare for my parents!

Friday Oct.12, 2012

Today was another pretty serious dead day. Not too much happened today. I actually just spent a good portion on the day reading or sleeping or playing with the kids. So what I decided to do for today is write a little bit about my kids in my house.

I was given the house that had all the problem children. They wanted to try something new in secluding all of the problems into one house. So I was obviously a little nervous at this "opportunity" especially since I do not speak the language. I had 8 boys in my house, Wilson, Limbert, Jorge, Louis Fernando, Isaac, David, Guillermo, and Juan Carlos. However, now, I only have 7 boys. Limbert has been moved to the girls dorm because he was being "picked on" here. He was by far the smallest, and youngest one in this house. But you see, he was just like me when I was in the situation growing up because he asked for EVERY BIT of the abuse he got. Never once did I see any of the other boys mess with him without Limbert initiating every bit and annoying them. He is a super cute boy but he had all of it coming to him.

Each one of the boys are crazy different and have very much their own personality. Jorge has probably been the biggest help out of anyone in Bolivia with my Spanish. He doesn’t know English, but he teaches me words in Spanish, and then quizzes me on them later. And when he can tell that I don’t understand something or someone, he will slow it down and simplify it for me. He is 12 years old and can still be a handful sometimes.

David is 10 years old and is full of energy. But he is one of those kids that knows I am an American, which means I have stuff! So he is always watching me like a hawk whenever I go in or out of my room seeing if I have something that I can share with him. He is a pro at putting on that puppy dog face to try and make me bite.

Guillermo is similar to David in that he watches me like a hawk too. But his fascination lays in my computer and wanting to watch movies or look at pictures on my computer. I probably hear him say "Cine! Cine! Cine!" 8,462,583,502,482 time per day, every day. But he is a kid after my own heart because he is the only one that I have seen that has an under armour shirt.

You know how there is always one kid or family member that makes you want to scratch a chalkboard and put metal in a blender in order to get a little peace? Well, that’s Isaac. I think Isaac is the biggest problem on campus. The thing is, when he wants to be good, he can be great. But when he really wants to be a mosquito, he can do that really well too. Isaac is also the kid that likes to settle everything with a fist fight. So that keeps me on my toes. He is also forbidden to go to one of the other houses because he has gotten into so many fights over there and has acted demonic in front of other children.

Wilson is my man. If I had to choose a favorite, it would be him. He is pretty quite, but he is adorable. He loves to walk with me and sit next to me at church. Whenever we walk anywhere together, he wants to either hold my hand or have my arm wrapped around him. He’s my buddy. I have no idea how in the world he is in this house. He has never caused any problems at all and helps me know how things go in the house.

Louis Fernando is Wilson’s older brother. He is similar to Wilson in that he is quite and never causes a problem. He reminds me of a gentle giant in some movie. However, he isn’t THAT big. Just a little broader than average. He and his brother get along so well together. I am very glad that they have each other to get through their problems here.

Juan Carlos is the "Jefe" of the house. He is the biggest help to me in the house. He helps me know what everyone is supposed to be doing, who needs to do and who hasn’t done what. Whenever I am busy, I have complete confidence in him to run the house which he has had to do for me before. He is fair and impartial (at least from what I can tell) to all of the other boys.

I feel like I should have a ton more to write about these kids but it’s all more so stories. So from now on, whenever I mention one of their names, you will now have a little better idea of who I am talking about. Oh, and by the way, the day ended with a penalty kick contest that whoever won got a candy bar. I did not walk away with a candy bar. I am still working on developing my bolivian feet.

Saturday Oct. 13, 2012

Today was church which means we get to sleep in until about 7 am! However, I was woken up a little bit earlier with a loud crash and bang. I snapped awake and asked Joel if he was ok. He then told me that there was a mouse in the room that he was looking for. He was trying to search for it and smack it with a broom, but was hitting things along the way. Once he found the mouse and cornered it, he killed it in a way that I have never seen before, and will probably never see again, he leaned down and flicked it super hard on the head and it just collapsed.

The only nice thing about being woken up early is that you get to go back to sleep which is precisely what I did! We had to be in church at 9:15 so I got up at 9 and got dressed and headed over. Church was nice, but for some reason I was having a hard time staying awake. Which wasn’t good especially because after church, I promised to take the kids to the Toma which as I said before, Is a very long and exhausting walk.

After church, I went to ask France when I was speaking for week of prayer. They had asked me at a meeting if I wouldn’t mind so I said yes. But he said he would tell me when and on what topic. But week of prayer starts tomorrow and I hadn’t heard anything for weeks. So when I asked him, he responded by telling me that I will be giving the sermon at church 2 weeks from today and that the topic will be trusting in God. Oh boy! Never given a sermon before….any ideas? The only thing I have thought of so far is the story of Gideon.

The plan after church was to eat, and the head out for the Toma ASAP because it’s a minimum of a 5 hour trip with kids and we do not want to be out there in the jungle at dark. However, lunch was not ready at all. I was actually even able to take a one hour nap which in itself was heavenly. But then I was awoken by Eric who asked if I was ready to go to the Toma. I told him that it was too late and that he is crazy. But they decided that if only the bigger kids and some volunteers went, we could go a lot quicker. I knew this would not go over well with my kids. But when I broke it to them, they told me that they wanted to go to the Asunta anyway. Asunta is another little creek nearby that you can drive to. So fortunately, the truck took all the kids there while the rest of us trucked up to the Toma.

Nothing too exciting happened on the way up to the Toma, but once we got there, the kids went crazy fishing. But they were not using poles, or string, or nets. They were only using their hands! They are remarkable. Each one of them probably caught 20 or more! I couldn’t believe it! But then they taught me how to do it. So after many fails and fish jumping out of the water and hitting me in the face, I caught 2! I was so proud. But my fishing experience ended when I reached down to keep hunting, and a different kind of fish stung me. Apparently it’s a small fish that injects a small amount or poison of some sort. It stung deep enough to draw blood and make my finger go instantly numb to where I couldn’t close it. Fortunately, Max was familiar with that fish and assured me that I didn’t need to worry. My finger was only numb/tingly for maybe 10 minutes or so. But that was when everyone was ready to leave anyway. So we packed up, and made the long trek back.

Sunday Oct. 14, 2012

Today was simply another bread day that strongly challenged my patience. Through judgemental comments, lack of help, and tiredness, I was still able tomake it through the day. It is also extremely motivating in the fact that tomorrow is our day off and we get to go to town. Thats really what Eric and I live for from week to week haha.

Today was the first day of 2 weeks of prayer here on campus. They have never done anything like this from my understanding, but they are excited to try it. I think it is a great idea. Especially because the majority of the children here are not Christians, much less Adventists. These kids need Jesus love so much.

Just to let everyone know, the main reason these children are here is because of abuse from their families. A lot of the children have been through physical abuse but by far the biggest problem that I have seen is that majority of these children have been sexually abused. I knew that sexual abuse can mentally scare people and cause them to fear, or feel worthless and to have other feelings. But what I didn't know is that it completely destroys the meaning and sanctity of sex. Many of these kids have simply accepted sex as something they just do. Therefore it is something that we are constantly needing to be aware of and paying attention to. Tricky part is, it is not good enough to separate the boys and girls.....

Monday Oct. 15, 2012

Again, I do not usually write on Monday's but today is another exception. Today Eric and I hit the road around 7:30 and were able to hop on the back of a couple guys' truck to go into town. It was surprisingly a very comfortable drive. Once we got to Narguilla's though, I could not for the life of me get my computer to work. The mouse was acting up as it has a few times since I've gotten it. But what do you expect when I'm working with a PC! I went to an electronic shop to see if I could buy a mouse, but the cheapest one was 150 B's. Thats WAY too much for a silly mouse. So I went back to Narguillas, kept restarting and doing some sweeps, but nothing was helping until I decided to do a big long sweep of my computer that takes over an hour. So while it was doing that, I went to an internet cafe next door to get online.

The scariest thing about my computer breaking down on me is that all my photos are on here and my entire blog. And at one point, my computer wouldn't even turn on. It was literally dead. So natually this was terrifying for me. But the big Guy upstairs had me covered and everything worked out. I still do not have word on my computer anymore because that got fried. But I atleast have this notepad thing which should work hopefully.


  1. Hi Chad, we are really enjoying your posts. You're doing a great job. We print them for your grandmother and she lives to read them. Thank you for all you are doing to make this world a better place. Love, Ralph and Twyla

  2. Thanks ralph! i´m really glad you guys are enjoying them and are making it available to grandma. I am super happy that she is able to hear from me somehow. love you guys!
